Sonification of You ran live for an hour as part of NOMUSIC Festival X (live transmission / 24 hour performance):

–< 48 Participants >–
–< 24h Continuous Streaming Audio Festival >–
–< Realtime Simultaneous Dual Live >–
–< Audio Live Performing only via Internet >–
–< Creative Commons Audio License - No Archivz >–
–< Stream Live Audio - Double/Split Channel >–

[GMT+0 – Greenwich Time] * lasting 24 hours forming a terrestrial revolution completes online without interruption between 48 participants.
START : the 13th, December, 2006 (00h00 / 00:00am) [GMT+0 – Greenwich Time] END : the 13th, December, 2006 (23h59 / 11:59pm) [GMT+0 – Greenwich Time]


(((NOMUSIC))) started on June 2001, according to the principle that a diffusion site on Internet should correspond to the representation of the singular performances of a new generation of artists, musicians, performers and other actors of the electronic scene. The creation of this open diffusion site proved to be necessary because of today’s difficulty to perform disembodied concerts of electronic music on stage, in a classical frontal (actor/audience) representation space.
Nowadays, these emerging new multimedia performances allow everybody to approach music in a more singular way, with a different listening practice and on a more sharing scene.

Every year since 2001, (((NOMUSIC))) offers one or more festivals which programming is geographically variable and which function is to relay in a coordinated way a 24 hours earth revolution of no-musicians @ home. This virtual earth revolution materializes a world wide sound cover of 24 time zones according to the universal time [GMT 0]. This gives to participants who are scattered all over the world the opportunity to take part in the festival. The participation is free of charge and the recruitment is made exclusively on Internet through diffusion lists. The selection is not made according to practices and genres criterion but rather according to the approaches and artistic positions which should echo the logic of the festival.

(((NOMUSIC))) platform offers two types of live. In its classical form, the participant plays alone at home for one hour. He can also play in dual. Dual is a live in which two geographical sites are linked via Internet and mixed together in stereo (participant 1 on the left channel and participant 2 on the right one).

(((NOMUSIC))) wishes to generate improbable duals and gatherings between two participants during one hour time in a web audio performance. We make no storage because we think that Internet is a huge database which conveys already a great amount of dead informations and we don’t want to pollute it further. We are thus in favour of instant access to a selective event. The mechanism of the programming is not automated; it is relayed manually for 24 hours without any interruption by laboiteblanche and Carl.Y., two real human routers who are at the service of continuous audio stream and who endure technical difficulties and give rapid formation on the technologies of streaming to all the participants.

(((NOMUSIC))) stands between musical negation and anti-bruitism, in a non-silent interstice of audio manifestation. It allows the composer-performer to be his own auditor, in a place where nothing should be heard but just felt as a new entity to observe.


From 1999 on, laboiteblanche and Carl.Y, have both experimented streaming through series of interconnected web concerts and programming via the site NOWEB thus creating a form of festival which dimension is tailor-made for the web.

The support of the late CICV Pierre Schaeffer ’s residence at Hérimoncourt [Fr] gave more opportunity for further development of the interface system; it allowed also an access to a bandwidth of great capacity, which is essential to bear the year after year rising load of the connections. Technically speaking, (((NOMUSIC))) is now autonomous and provides its own lodging on Internet since the creation of the NOHOST platform.

laboiteblanche & Carl.Y play regularly together in concerts or on the net, from Berlin to Fournos via Paris or other cities. At the same time, each of them develops different projects related to the new technologies:
Radio WNE
[Self Radio] Radio WNE concentrate his programs on diffusion of new emergent musics and musicians, performers and the broadcasting of stranges audio-contents, events retransmissions and acoustics phenomena, on a collaborative open-plateform online
[Installation / Performance / Website] Random listening system of the radio frequencies of police, airports, trains, emergency services…
[Workshop] Workshop on the techniques of audio and video streaming in Art schools
[Audio 3D Map / Performance] Audio 3D environnement mixed on web

5 years and 10 festivals
226 participants during 212 hours
More than 8000 listeners from 25 countries over 4 continents

Review at Ecrans:

24 heures de « Nomusic » non stop
par Marie Lechner
tag : musique

La dixième édition du Nomusic festival, marathon du streaming orchestré depuis cinq ans par Carl Y. et La boîte blanche, débute ce soir à minuit pour 24 heures de musique non stop (le 13 décembre de 0h à 23h59) around the globe.

Pour cette nouvelle session, diffusée exclusivement sur le net, ils seront 48 musiciens dispersés aux quatre coins de la planète (Suède, Italie, Russie, Allemagne, France, Japon, Royaume-Uni, Autriche, Québec, Belgique, ou encore Pérou, Hongrie, Pologne…) à se relayer. Dans les premières éditions, les solos se succédaient, chaque musicien jouant tout seul depuis sa chambre pendant une heure, désormais c’est le duo qui prime. Les duettistes, tirés au sort, émettent l’un sur le canal de gauche, l’autre sur le canal de droite, recréant une stéréo artificielle. Ils jouent chez eux à distance, et « Nomusic » les réunit sur le réseau, suscitant d’improbables rencontres audio par exemple entre Kaffe Matthews (Londres) et Erik Minkkinen (Paris), entre les noiseurs alsaco-roumains Sun Plexus (Cluj) et le suédois Jon Eriksen (Malmö), entre Carl Stone (Tokyo), pionnier de la musique live sur ordi, et Neil Kaczor (Londres) ou encore Cat Hope (Singapour) et Davidly (Berlin).

Nomusic, qui dit se situer entre « la négation musicale et l’anti-bruitisme », propose une instantané du réseau en matière d’expérimentation sonore, offrant une plate forme de diffusion et de création adaptée à une génération d’artistes, musiciens, performeurs aux pratiques singulières.

Nomusic privilégie l’instantanéité du live et refuse l’archivage. « Nous n’archivons pas parce que nous pensons qu’Internet stocke déjà une quantité énorme d’informations mortes, nous ne voulons pas le polluer davantage. » C’est donc ce soir ou jamais…