Photos for Katie Paterson, Edinburgh

The List

Edinburgh Art Festival

Edinburgh Art Festival

Edinburgh Art Fesitval

Ingleby Gallery

An Katie Paterson

Ingleby Gallery, Katie Paterson

Ingleby Gallery, Katie Paterson


Screen shot 2014-07-01 at 15.25.25

Screen shot 2014-08-08 at 10.20.16

The List
Edinburgh Art Festival Guide [PDF]
Edinburgh Art Festival website
Edinburgh Art Festival website
AN This Week’s Top Exhibitions #50
Ingleby Gallery
Best of Edinburgh Festival, The Daily Telegraph

Also try to catch both shows of Katie Paterson, a young Glasgow-born artist now based in Berlin. Her solo exhibition of mind-boggling new work at Ingleby Gallery includes melted meteorites and her Fossil Necklace, which spans the entire history of our planet in a single string of beads. A little way outside Edinburgh at Jupiter Artland she is also showing Earth-Moon-Earth, a complex and magical piece which captures a transmission of Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata that had been reflected from the surface of the moon, converted into Morse code and now uncannily emanates from a self-playing grand piano.