Artist John, Artwork, British Artist, Callanan, Compilation, Dead Time, Film Productions, Geographic Areas, International Directory, Monologue, Phone Book, Random Numbers, Regulators, Soliloquy, Space One, Spain, Telecommunication, Telephone Numbers, Transmissions, Whitechapel Gallery
3d Generator, Artwork, Artworks, Callanan, Current News, Digital Computation, Exhibition, Globe, Google, Information Distribution, Joanna, Live News, New Ways, News Around The World, Newspapers, Oracle, Visualization, Ways Of Communication, Web Page, Wojtowicz
31 August, Artwork, Bits Bytes, Broadcast, Classical Shape, Global System, Globe, Interconnecting, Isea, Kunst, Marko Peljhan, Perspectives, Sky, Translation, Wdh, Weather Conditions
Artist In Residence, Artwork, Callanan, Cloud Coverage, Clouds, Look To The Skies, Richard Hamblyn, Satellite Data, Single Second, Terrestrial Globe, University College London, Writer In Residence
Array, Art Project, Artwork, Callanan, Common Factor, Consistency, Curated, Curatorial, Diary, Exhibition, Friedman, Front Pages, Jacqueline, National Newspapers, Newspapers From Around The World, Spectator, Subject Matters, Succession, Three Months, Time Projects
16 September, Als, Arbeit, Artwork, Auml, Blumberg, Interconnectivity, Motto, Netze, Representational, Sonification, Vienna Austria, Wien